Monday, December 28, 2020


 Learn How to Get Your First Million Users. With the help of this course you can This course will teach you how to find all viral elements in your product and then use them to gain millions of users.

This course was created by Michael Geer. It was rated 4.9 out of 5 by approx 12762 ratings. There are approx 47560 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 42 mins on-demand video, 1 Article, 2 Supplemental Resources, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • By the end of the class you will understand the core actionable concepts of viral user acquisition

  • You will be able to execute proper product process that can nearly guarantee success

“One of the best classes I’ve ever attended on
Skillshare.” – Founder of Skillshare Michael Karnjanaprakorn

“Highly actionable and thought provoking class.
Recommend to any startup looking to quickly build their user base.” – Jan

“Michael’s class was easily the best skillshare
class I’ve taken and I’ve taken a number of them. This class is an absolute
must for anyone involved with a startup. Michael knows user/customer
acquisition inside and out and you will too if you sign up for this class.” –
Carlo Cisco

Learn how to get the first million users and how to increase sales
of your business, or speed up your already decent growth. You will learn from
my experience and lessons learned while building some of the largest social
sites and apps in the global market today.

Areas covered will include:

mapping out your viral system and

how to use that to start virally expanding your

This class is best suited to those with a
startup/online project already, or at least a formed idea of one. However,
projects can also be completed using as a substitute for having a
personal project already. All concepts are completely applicable to B2C
(business to consumer) projects, and mostly applicable to B2B projects.

You will finish this class understanding:

the exact building blocks of virality within your
own project and

how to put them into motion to start gaining large
amounts of users (for free)

This class is all taught online. The class is
composed of videos of me explaining key viral concepts, slides to go along with
those videos, a viral mapping project, and online live sessions from time to
time where all questions can be answered.

Take this How To Get First Million Customers
course now and learn how
to increase sales.


 Java Programming(2/3):Object Oriented Programming, java.lang. With the help of this course you can OOP,Inheritance & Polymorphism,Overloading & Encapsulation,Abstraction,Interface,Exception Handling,’java.lang’ Package.

This course was created by John Mathew. It was rated 4.4 out of 5 by approx 14608 ratings. There are approx 71118 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 4.5 hours on-demand video, 1 Article, 10 Supplemental Resources, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • Object Orientedness

  • Object, Class, and Instance

  • Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Abstraction

  • Encapsulation

  • Structure of Class

  • Object creation, Member variable, Method

  • Java Modifier and Constructor

  • ‘static’, ‘final’ and ‘abstract’ Reserved word

  • Definition and Usage of ‘this’

  • Method Overloading and Parameter

  • Constructor Overloading

  • Variable parameter

  • Inheritance of Java

  • Inheritance & Constructor

  • Inheritance & Method

  • Abstract Class and Object Casting

  • ‘abstract’ Reserved word

  • Inner Class

  • Casting and member

  • Interface and Package

  • Utilization of Interface

  • User-defined Package

  • Use of Custom Library

  • Exception Handling

  • User-defined Exception Handling

  • ‘java . lang’ Package

  • ‘Object’ Class, ‘Wrapper’ Class, ‘String’ Class, ‘StringBuffer’ Class

  • Object-Oriented programming concepts such as classes, Objects, Method Overloading and Encapsulation.

  • Understand basic mechanisms of the OOP paradigm

  • Use and interpret the API of some of the most common Java classes

  • When you complete this course, you will be able to understand the terminologies and concepts of Java Programming language.

  • You will be able to apply the roles of Java Programming language in products and various components of the Software product.

  • This course will allow developers to build the concepts in Java Programming language and learn how to apply them in real world tasks.

  • You can do almost anything in Java after this course. You will surely be a better Programmer and better still a Elegant Programmer after this course. So go ahead and be the Java developer you want to be…

What is the course about?

This is the second part of the 3 part training program on Java Programming.

What do hiring managers look for in entry-level developers? According to a recent survey, one of the most requested job skills is “strong object oriented design“. Yet traditional computer science programs rarely focus on this area.
In this Java course, examine the role of objects in code, explore how to use them, and see how to design them for optimal code reuse and structure. Get tons of hands-on coding experience using popular Java objects, like Arrays and Lists, and then leverage those learnings to design your own object hierarchies. Plus, practice using inheritance, interfaces, abstract classes, and encapsulation techniques to help you manage large code bases.
Get comfortable employing industry standards in designing and managing complex relationships within a code base, as you add to your computer science skill set.

This is an intermediate Java course. We recommend this course to learners who have previous experience in software development or a background in computer science.  Our goal is that by the end of this course each and every one of you feels empowered to create a Java program that’s more advanced than any you have created in the past and that is personally interesting to you. In achieving this goal you will also learn the fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming, how to leverage the power of existing libraries, how to build graphical user interfaces, and how to use some core algorithms for searching and sorting data. And this course is project-based, so we’ll dive right into the project immediately!

This course will introduce you to some of the most powerful programming concepts in Java, including: objects, inheritance and collections. You will learn how to use these object-oriented programming concepts in code examples, discover how these concepts are used in applications that require user input, and understand the benefits of mastering these concepts in Java. By the end of the course, you will understand how and when to apply foundation Java concepts, and will gain a deeper understanding of the tools and logic that professional Java developers use everyday.

You basically won’t ever get an interview that won’t require you to have some foundation knowledge in Java Programming.
You will be taught all the skills needed for Java Programming from the basic fundamentals to the very complicated level of details and tricks related to the languages.

Please remember that this is a serious course on Java Programming. I believe that subjects like this cannot be learned in few hours or days. It required continuous efforts. Students may have to put a lot of efforts in order to become expert and make the best use of this course. This course covers the essential information that every Programmer needs to know about Java Programming.

What kind of material is included?
1. This course consists of high quality training content using quality videos with industry Oriented hands-on examples.
2. I have tried to include the juice of my 10 years of experience in this course.
3. The focus is on giving real life essential tricks and skills.
4. I suggest students to take this course with pen and paper handy. Note the important points and take part in discussions. The exercise is the most important part in learning any subject.

How long will the course take to complete?
1. This is the comprehensive course covering almost all the topics of Java Programming.
2. I advise students to cover not more than one lesson/section per day.

How is the course structured?
1. A perfect blend of theory and real world examples.

Why take this course?
0. Java Programming is the hot subject for interviewers. This course will surely help.
1. This is the comprehensive course covering almost all the topics of Java Programming.
2. For the college going students, this course helps in improving grades in college curriculum and increases the chances at the final Campus Interview.
4. Java Programming is a difficult subject, I have tried hard to make my delivery easy and effective.

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

How do I join in?
Join worldwide learners who uses Java Programming as part of their curriculum and Job.
And I am sure you want to go through the Last Lecture(Bonus Lecture) of this course first.

download link

click to download


 Java: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts. With the help of this course you can Get started with Java and object-oriented programming concepts.

This course was created by Packt Publishing. It was rated 4.6 out of 5 by approx 1445 ratings. There are approx 29326 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 3 hours on-demand video, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • Discover the building blocks of Java program

  • Explore the four pillars of Object-Oriented Programming

  • Learn the intricacies of Inheritance and Polymorphism, Abstract Classes and Interfaces

  • Discover the in memory representation and management of a Java program which is the foundation for understanding and analyzing the performance of a Java program

  • Understand the implementation and use of the functions: hashCode() and equals()

  • Master the fundamentals aspects of the Java Collection Framework

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 Oracle Ebusiness Suite – Forms Navigation. With the help of this course you can Learn to use and navigate system forms in Oracle Applications..

This course was created by Evan Rosa. It was rated 4.8 out of 5 by approx 10828 ratings. There are approx 19136 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 1.5 hours on-demand video, 11 Supplemental Resources, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • How Oracle E-Business Suite Applications work

This course provides detailed navigation instruction on the two types of forms used in Oracle Applications, Core Forms and Web Forms.  Topics covered include Form Structure, Menu Functions, Toolbar Functions, Key Strokes, Folder Functionality, Concurrent Programs and Reports, Data Entry/Query, Data Export to MS Excel Format, and Flexfields. 

Download LinK 


 Windows 8: Hacking & Securing – Complete Course. With the help of this course you can Learn how to secure your Windows 8 machine. This is a 100% practical, ethical hacking course..

This course was created by IT Security Academy & Hacking School. It was rated 4.6 out of 5 by approx 11073 ratings. There are approx 89216 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 4 hours on-demand video, 1 Article, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • Secure Windows 8

  • Prevent data leaks and loss

  • Secure networks

  • Use built-in security mechanisms

  • Know Windows 8 like an expert


Windows 8 is an operating system which introduced many changes compared to the previous versions. The differences are not only in the appearance of your colorful desktop and icons, but also a lot of new security solutions.

Does your computer actually belong to you? Are you sure that there’s no suspicious traffic in your network? Hackers attack using automated techniques at the same time, hundreds of thousands of computers, often for fun and “blindly”. 

Most Windows users do not use the built-in security mechanisms, which are provided by the system itself. For this reason, the client’s machines often become “zombies” that remotely (and without the user’s knowledge), are used by hackers. Meanwhile, the correct configuration can prevent the majority of currently used attacks.

Windows 8: Hacking & Securing is recommended to people who benefit from this system either for personal or professional purposes. After the training, you will be able to effectively protect your system from most threats.

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 The Complete Cyber Security Course to learn Ethical Hacking.. With the help of this course you can Learn Cyber Secuirty , ethical hacking, web penetration testing, Network testing and wifi hacking using kali linux.

This course was created by Sunil K. Gupta. It was rated 4.2 out of 5 by approx 7991 ratings. There are approx 45449 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 2 hours on-demand video, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • They will Contain basic technical Knowledge of Ethical Hacking

  • They will get Knowledge of Ethical Hacking Terminologies

  • Pentesting websites and network .

Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts.

Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry?

Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps?

If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place.

Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking,
Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical
Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future.

In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the
techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration
testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical
hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you.

This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required
software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning,
deep scanning, deep scanning phases,  hacking systems, different attacks
and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers,
Hacking Websites and SQL Injection.

Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux
for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali
Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web
application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which
will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience.

We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course,
which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required

Why I should take this course?

  • Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible.

  • You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing Techniques and Concepts

  • The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience

  • Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course
    which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required

  • You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry

  • You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course

This is the course that could change your life.

Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penitration
Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career
opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and
amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future.
 Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings.
An investment in your career is an investment in yourself.  Don’t
procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your
career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking
essentials today!



 Hacking Ethically: Learn Hacking From A Young Lady. With the help of this course you can Ethical Hacking.

This course was created by Alou TRAORE. It was rated 4.2 out of 5 by approx 3257 ratings. There are approx 63014 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 1 hour on-demand video, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • Learn hacking from scratch

  • Use this coupon code to get 80% off. COUPON CODE: HACKTHEWORLD2018

Hacking comes in many colors: white, grey, black, and shades in between. White hat hackers use their skills for good. They practice ethical hacking: involved testing to see if an organization’s network is vulnerable to outside attacks. Ethical hacking is key to strengthening network security, and it’s one of the most desired skills for any IT security professional. If you’re interested in becoming an ethical hacker, or getting started securing your own network, this introduction is for you.

Topics include:

  • Ethical hacking principles
  • Managing incidents
  • Creating security policies
  • Protecting data
  • Conducting penetration testing
  • Hacking in phases

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 Learn Python & Ethical Hacking From Scratch. With the help of this course you can Learn python programming from scratch by writing hacking programs | start from 0 & learn both topics simultaneously.

This course was created by Zaid Sabih. It was rated 4.4 out of 5 by approx 9417 ratings. There are approx 13391 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 23.5 hours on-demand video, 7 Supplemental Resources, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • 175 detailed videos about Python programming & ethical hacking

  • Learn 2 topics at the same time – Python programming & Ethical Hacking

  • Start from scratch up to a high-intermediate level

  • Write over 20 ethical hacking and security programs

  • Learn by example, by writing exciting programs

  • Model problems, design solutions & implement them using Python

  • Write programs in Python 2 and 3

  • Write cross platform programs that work on Windows, OS X and Linux

  • Have a deep understanding on how computer systems work

  • Have a strong base and be able to use the skills learned to write any program even if its not related to hacking

  • Understand what is Hacking, what is Programming, and why are they related

  • Design a testing lab to practice hacking & programming safely

  • Interact & use Linux terminal

  • Understand what MAC address is & how to change it

  • Write a python program to change MAC address

  • Use Python modules and libraries

  • Understand what Object Oriented Programming is

  • Write object oriented programs

  • Model & design extendable programs

  • Write a program that can discover all clients connected to the same network

  • Read, analyse & manipulate network packets

  • Understand & interact with different network layers in packets such as ARP, DNS, HTTP ….etc

  • Write a program that can redirect the flow of packets in a network (arp spoofer)

  • Write a packet sniffer to filter interesting data such as usernames and passwords

  • Write a program to redirect DNS requests (DNS Spoofer)

  • Intercept and modify network packets on the fly

  • Write a program to replace downloads requested by any computer on the network

  • Analyse & modify HTTP requests and responses

  • Inject code in HTML pages loaded by any computer on the same network

  • Downgrade HTTPS to HTTP

  • Write a program that can detect ARP Spoofing attacks

  • Write custom made payloads to download a file, execute command, download & execute, download execute & report …..etc

  • Use sockets to send data over TCP

  • Send data reliably over TCP

  • Write client-server programs

  • Write a backdoor that works on Windows, OS X and Linux

  • Implement cool features in the backdoor such as file system access, upload and download files and persistence

  • Write a remote keylogger that can register all keystrikes and send them by Email

  • Interact with files using python (read, write & modify)

  • Convert python programs to binary executables that work on Windows, OS X and Linux

  • Convert evil files into torjans that work and function just like any other file type like an image or a PDF

  • Bypass Anti-Virus Programs

  • Understand how websites work, the technologies used and how to test them for weaknesses

  • Write a program that can discover hidden paths in a website

  • Send requests towebsites and analyse responses

  • Write a program that can map a website and discover all links, subdomains, files and directories

  • Extract and submit forms from python

  • Run dictionary attacks and guess login information on login pages

  • Write a program that can discover weaknesses in websites

Welcome this great course where you’ll learn python programming and ethical hacking at the same time, the course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you’ll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills and write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do, not only that but you’ll be able to use the programming skills you learn here to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking.

This course is highly practical but it won’t neglect the theory, so we’ll start with covering some basics about ethical hacking and python programming, installing the needed software and then we’ll dive and start programming straight away. From here onwards you’ll learn everything by example, by writing useful hacking programs, so we’ll never have any boring dry programming lectures.

The course is divided into a number of sections each aims to achieve a specific goal, the goal is usually to hack into a certain system, so we’ll start by learning how this system work, the weaknesses of this system, and then you’ll lean how to write a python program to exploit these weaknesses and hack the system, as we write the program I will teach you python programming from scratch covering one topic at a time, so by the end of the course you’re going to have a number of ethical hacking programs written by yourself (see below) from backdoors, keyloggers, credential harvesters, network hacking tools, website hacking tools and the list goes on, not only that but you’ll also have a deep understanding on how computer systems work, how to model problems, design an algorithm to solve problems and implement the solution using python.

As mentioned in this course you will learn both ethical hacking and programming at the same time, so here are some of the topics that will be covered in the course:

Programming topics:

  • Writing programs for python 2 and 3.
  • Using modules and libraries.
  • Variables, types …etc.
  • Handling user input.
  • Reading and writing files.
  • Functions.
  • Loops.
  • Data structures.
  • Regex.
  • Desiccation making.
  • Recursion.
  • Threading.
  • Object oriented programming.
  • Packet manipulation using scapy.
  • Netfilterqueue.
  • Socket programming.
  • String manipulation.
  • Exceptions.
  • Serialisation.
  • Compiling programs to binary executables.
  • Sending & receiving HTTP requests.
  • Parsing HTML.
  • + more!

Hacking topics:

  • Basics of network hacking / penetration testing.
  • Changing MAC address & bypassing filtering.
  • Network mapping.
  • ARP Spoofing – redirect the flow of packets in a network.
  • DNS Spoofing – Redirect requests from one website to another.
  • Spying on any client connected to the network – see usernames, passwords, visited urls ….etc.
  • Inject code in pages loaded by any computer connected to the same network.
  • Replace files on the fly as they get downloaded by any computer on the same network.
  • Detect ARP spoofing attacks.
  • Bypass HTTPS.
  • Create malware for Windows, OS X and Linux.
  • Create trojans for Windows, OS X and Linux.
  • Hack Windows, OS X and Linux using custom backdoor.
  • Bypass Anti-Virus programs.
  • Use fake login prompt to steal credentials.
  • Display fake updates.
  • Use own keylogger to spy on everything typed on a Windows or OS X computer.
  • Learn the basics of website hacking / penetration testing.
  • Discover subdomains.
  • Discover hidden files and directories in a website.
  • Run wordlist attacks to guess login information.
  • Discover and exploit XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Discover weaknesses in websites using own vulnerability scanner.

Programs you’ll build in this course:

You’ll learn all the above by implementing the following hacking programs

  • mac_changer – changes MAC Address to anything we want.
  • network_scanner – scans network and discovers the IP and MAC address of all connected clients.
  • arp_spoofer – runs an arp spoofing attack to redirect the flow of packets in the network allowing us to intercept data.
  • packet_sniffer – filters intercepted data and shows usernames, passwords, visited links ….etc
  • dns_spoofer – redirects DNS requests, eg: redirects requests to from one domain to another.
  • file_interceptor – replaces intercepted files with any file we want.
  • code_injector – injects code in intercepted HTML pages.
  • arpspoof_detector – detects ARP spoofing attacks.
  • execute_command payload – executes a system command on the computer it gets executed on.
  • execute_and_report payload – executes a system command and reports result via email.
  • download_and_execute payload – downloads a file and executes it on target system.
  • download_execute_and_report payload – downloads a file, executes it, and reports result by email.
  • reverse_backdoor – gives remote control over the system it gets executed on, allows us to
    • Access file system.
    • Execute system commands.
    • Download & upload files
  • keylogger – records key-strikes and sends them to us by email.
  • crawler – discovers hidden paths on a target website.
  • discover_subdomains – discovers subdomains on target website.
  • spider – maps the whole target website and discovers all files, directories and links.
  • guess_login – runs a wordlist attack to guess login information.
  • vulnerability_scanner – scans a target website for weaknesses and produces a report with all findings.

As you build the above you’ll learn:

  • Setting up a penetration testing lab to practice hacking safely.
  • Installing Kali Linux and Windows as virtual machines inside ANY operating system.
  • Linux Basics.
  • Linux terminal basics.
  • How networks work.
  • How clients communicate in a network.
  • Address Resolution Protocol – ARP.
  • Network layers.
  • Domain Name System – DNS.
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP.
  • HTTPS.
  • How anti-virus programs work.
  • Sockets.
  • Connecting devices over TCP.
  • Transferring data over TCP.
  • How website work.
  • GET & POST requests.
  • And more!

So by the end of the course you’re going to have programming skills to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking, but you’ll learn programming by programming hacking tools!

With this course you’ll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we’ll respond to you within 15 hours.

NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.

NOTE: This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih and no other organisation is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANISATION IS INVOLVED.

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 The Definitive Ethical Hacking Course – Learn From Scratch. With the help of this course you can Learn the Basics Of Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking.

This course was created by Nikhil Parekh. It was rated 4.7 out of 5 by approx 1727 ratings. There are approx 38369 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 9 hours on-demand video, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • Install Kali Linux in a Windows 10 Environment

  • Understand Step By Step Instructions of Enabling Wireless Hacking in Kali Linux

  • Understand the Use of NMAP for Security Scanning and Network Exploring

Thank you to the 41,387 students enrolled in this course! Shouldn’t you find out why?

Course Updated 24 November 2016

What’s New?

2 Hours on an Introduction to Perl and How To Use Perl for Writing Ethical Hacking Scripts.

You will also learn How To Create Malware and Use Python to Create Hacking Scripts and an Nmap scanner. Also you will learn Brute Force Cracking Passwords with Python

Added:Nessus Port Scanner and Vulnerability Scanner

Footprinting and Enumeration module



 Learn Complete Ethical Hacking: Hacking Step By Step Course. With the help of this course you can Learn to skill your self in hacking the best way to make your self a professional hacker and pentester.

This course was created by Junaid Younas. It was rated 4.1 out of 5 by approx 6337 ratings. There are approx 90666 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 1.5 hours on-demand video, 2 Articles, 1 Supplemental Resource, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • At the end of this course student will be able to start its career with an ethical hacking because he know better how to penetrate an device web and WiFi with this course.

Note: We will add more Lectures to this Course

One of the most important course for you to get your dreams in hand, Ethical, learning step by step complete ethical hacking course with basics but not direct advance learning..

In this course you will learn Ethical Hacking with basics first and then in advance slow by slow, i see there are lot of courses which is available on internet but those are not with basics, so if student not cover basics concepts first then how he can learn this important topic so my first concentration is to start with basic which will clear the starting questions from students minds.

So if you are interested to make your self a pen-tester or an Ethical Hacker then you are on right place so the things which you need is just one computer with internet and also one KEYBOARD



How to hack pubg mobile without ban

 Pubg new hack method  Go and watch the video subscribe to the channel also  Follow on blog  Be one of our family  This crack is not by tech...